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"Too many people overvalue their failure and undervalue their success."
Mel S Brooks
If you stall on the path of your success, the chances are that either your personal life is affecting your professional life or, the opposite, your professional life is affecting your personal life.
In Phase One of our working process, we audit all areas of your life and determine what needs work. We will address any of the topics below that are pertinent to you.
Personal Constitution - The Core of Self
Your Innate and Inherited Values- Drive and Direction
Beliefs for Growth or of Limitation
The Government of Self–Expression and Manifestation
The Temperament - The Power House of Habit
The Paradigm - Patterns of Thought
The Predicament - Patterns of Repetition
Public Image - Presentation, Projections, and Perceptions
Relationship to Self
Life Partnerships. Marriage and Family. Work Relations. Business Relationships
Self Sabotage
Addictions and Triggers
Hierarchy of Values: Prioritizing Your Objectives
Creating Safeguards Against “Default” Resets
Your Strategy
Health and Healthy Habits.
Once we have clarity and strategy, it's time to get practical.
In Phase Two, we address,
Existing Health Concerns; Dietary Habits and Exercise Routine; Energy Levels
Clarity of Mind: How to Maintain Focus
Delegation - Collaboration -Assistance
Willpower and Discipline
Accountability and Persistence
Leadership and Stewardship - How You Conduct Yourself
Handling Change and Handling Growth
Identity, Authenticity, and Congruence